Before submitting your complaint, please read and acknowledge you understand the following:

Once you submit your complaint, you will not hear from us unless we have additional questions. Active investigations are subject to privacy legislation and we cannot share additional information or status updates.

The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) is only able to respond to complaints that are located within our watershed and within our Regulations. You can find additional information on which areas and activities we regulate on our Map Your Property tool and in our Regulation 150/06.

We do not respond to the following complaints:

  • Wildlife in distress. If you believe an animal is in distress, call 1-833-9-ANIMAL or your local municipal animal control office.
  • Beaver or beaver dams. If you have a concern about beavers or beaver dams on your property, please reach out to the MNRF for advice.
  • Invasive Species.If you have found an invasive species, you can file a report with the MNRF.
  • Fish or fish habitat. If you believe there may have been a harmful impact to fish or fish habitat, please contact the DFO.
  • Spills. If you believe a spill has occurred and may be contaminating the environment, call the Spills Action Centre Hotline at 1-866-MOE-TIPS (663-8477).
  • Proposed development or subdivisions.If you have a complaint about a development proposal, please contact your local municipality. As part of the municipal planning process, the GRCA is circulated on and reviews all planning application proposals.
  • Trees being cut down. Tree cutting is regulated by each municipality, subject to their local by-laws. The GRCA may be involved with tree cutting complaints if the trees are located within a wetland or erosion hazard, or if grading is involved.
  • Garbage dumping, noise complaints, property standards or septic concerns: Please contact your local municipality's bylaw department.

Type of Complaint

Please click on the option which best matches what you have seen.

If you have complaints about other topics like GRCA conservation areas or properties, please do not fill in this form. Instead, contact the general GRCA phone line at 519-621-2761 or toll free at 1-866-900-4722.

Contact Information (Optional)

Please provide your preferred contact information. We may need to contact you if we have additional questions.

The email address is not valid.

Notice of Collection

Pursuant to section 29 (2) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56 the personal information contained on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Conservation Authorities Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.27, and is used for the purposes of invoicing, record keeping, and follow-up communication. Questions about the collection of personal information should be directed to the Freedom of Information Coordinator, Grand River Conservation Authority, 400 Clyde Road, P.O. Box 729, Cambridge, Ontario, N1R 5W6, (519) 621-2761.

Location Information

Please provide a location for the works observed.

To begin - Search by address, street, city, or use your current browser location. Once you have a marker on the map, you may drag and drop the pin (marked location) to the desired spot.

Work Details

Please provide additional details about your complaint.

Part 1 - Describe the work

Please include as much information as possible. Your description should try to answer: Who, What, Where, When, and How. Example: On Friday (August 26th 2022), I walked by 123 Street in Cambridge. There was an excavator working near the west side of the Grand River, just behind the house. It looked like he was digging a large hole. While I was there, I saw 3 dump trucks leave the property. The dump trucks had Company Name written on the side.

(1000 characters max)

Part 2 - Timeline

Please provide an approximate date.

Part 3 - Upload Photos (optional)

If you have any photos you wish to share, you can upload those here. There is a limit of 3 photos per submission.

Once you submit your complaint, you will not hear from us unless we have additional questions. Active investigations are subject to privacy legislation and we cannot share additional information or status updates.

Thank you

We have received your request form. A member of our resource planning team will review your request. We will only contact you if we need additional information.